Doggie Day Kamp & Boarding LLC 6130 Melody Rd. NE Canton, Ohio 44721 Call (330) 324-4700 |
Understanding your dogs mind will help you to come up with a better game plan to train your dog. Your dog and every other dog is an individual animal that comes into the world with a specific grouping of genetically inherited, predetermined behaviors. How those behaviors are arranged, their intensity, and how many components of each detremine the dog's temperament, personality, and suitability for the task required. Those behaviors also detremine how the dog perceives the world. Most people think that calculating the age of dogs in "human years" is quite simple: multiply their age by seven. For example, a 4-year-old dog would actually be 28 years old in human years.
As much as we all would like our dogs to be able to reason, they can not. However, dogs can solve simple problems. To give you a better understanding of your dog, here are three groups of instinctive behaviors. 1. Prey Drive includes; those inherited behaviors associated with hunting, killing, prey, and eating. The Prey drive is activated by motion, sound, and smell. Here is a list of behaviors associated with Prey drive...... Air scenting and tracking, biting and killing, carrying, digging and burying, eating, high-pitched barking, jumping up and pulling down, pouncing, seeing, hearing, and smelling, shaking and object, stalking and chasing, tearng and ripping apart. 2. Pack Drive consists; of behaviors associated with reproduction, being part of a group or pack, and being able to live by the RULES. Dogs, like their distant ancestors the wolves, are social animals. To hunt prey that's mostly larger than themselves, wolves have to live in a pack. To assure order they adhere to a social hierarchy governed by strict rules of behavior. In dogs, this translates into an ability to be part of a human group and means a willingness to work with people as part of a team. Here are some behaviors associated with Pach Drive; Being able to breed and to be a good parent, demonstrating behaviors associated with social interaction with people, demonstrating reproductive behaviors such as licking, mounting, washing ears, and all courting gestures, exhibiting physical contact with people, and or dogs, playing with people and/or other dogs. 3. Defense Drive; is governed by survial and self-preservation and consists of both fight and flight behaviors. Defense drive is complex because the same stimulus that can make a dog aggresive (fight) can also trigger (flight) behaviors especially in young dogs. Fight behaviors aren't fully developed until about 2 years. You may notice tendencies towards these behaviors at an early age and also life experiences determine their intensity. Behaviors associated with Defense Drive are "Fight drive"; Disapproving of being petted or groomed, hackling up from the shoulder foward, growling at people or dogs when he feels his space is being violated, guarding food, toys, territory against people and/or dogs, lying in front of doorways or cupboards and refusing to move, putting his head over another dog's shoulder, standing tall, weight forward on front legs, tll high, and staring at other dogs, standing his ground and not moving. Behaviors demonstrated with Defense Drive is "Flight drive"; Demonstrating a general lack of confidence, disliking being touched by strangers, flattening of the body with the tail tucked when greeted by people or other dogs, hackling that goes up the full length of the body, hiding or running away from a new situation, urinating when being greeted by a stranger or owner. Remember that dogs are trained to respond to commands. Like come, sit, down, stay, etc. "NO" is NOT a command nor an exercise, that they will repsond to. Do not YELL at your dog ....... he is not deaf. Body language is also very important. A smile makes a difference. The way to get your dog to do what you want him to do is to redirect his actions from prey drive to pack drive....etc. Some Do's & Don't's
Don't nag your dog by repeating commands as this only teaches him to ignore you.
Don't confuse your dog with unrealistic expectations.
Don't isolate your dog. (Send him to Doggie Day Kamp)
Don't expect your dog to obey if you are not his leader.
Don't get too serious in your training.
Don't try to surpress behaviors that need an outlet.
Don't reward undesirable behaviors. Last..... Do get outside help when you get stuck. Don't blame the're his teacher! Pet First Aid Awareness The hope is that you will never need to use your first aid kit, but if you do, having it handy will save time and may save your pet's life.
Signs of cancer According to eighty percent of pet parents know little or nothing about pet cancer. The website also offers a “Tell Your Story” webpage, similar to the Rainbow Bridge, where you can post a photo of your pet and write about their cancer story. You can read the story of “Blue” the inspiration behind the founding of The Blue Buffalo Foundation for Cancer Research, which maintains the website. The Veterinary Cancer Society** notes the following warning signs:
If your pet has any of these early warning signs, visit your veterinarian as soon as possible for a complete examination. The Vet Cancer Registry has a helpful list of organizations and veterinaries specializing in animal cancer. The American Veterinary Medical Association offers a brochure “What Your Should Know about Cancer in Animals.” More information on cancer in dogs and cats, along with helpful photographs, can be found at this link. |